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THREE DAY WORKSHOP February 2023 in Beautiful Natchez, Mississippi. CLASS IS FULL
Mississippi School of Folk Art in Natchez, Mississippi.
This class has a maximum of 10 students allowing for safe social distancing and meant for those looking to quit sweating the details and to have more fun while making a better painting. Without all the frustration that painting can involve, you will learn to enjoy the painting experience more.
This class is great for the beginner to advanced; however the class is fast paced so the beginner should be able to mix some color and apply paint. This class is also for advanced students as they will learn to simplify their painting to get rid of their “tight” strokes and let the “loose” in. Emphasis is also on how to have more color, more contrast and a better composition.
Classes are mostly casual and fun.
Day one: I will give a demo. I will then give another demo while the class paints with me. If time, in the afternoon the class will paint their own paintings from their own photos or from photos I provide.
Day Two: The next day I will again demo while the class paints along. The class will finish this painting and start their own or finish their painting from day 1.
Day Three: The class will paint on their own again with help as needed. There is plenty of one on one and questions are welcome. At the end of the day the student should have grasped the essence of the workshop and be able to apply what they learned at home.
Each day we will have critique sessions. Tbis is a great learning tool . Students can choose to participate or not in these sessions.
Ya’ll come and have fun!!
Supply List
Purple Dioxazine
Ultramarine blue
Alizarin crimson
Viridian green
Sap green
Olive green
Cadmium medium yellow
Cadmium light red
Yellow ochre
Cadmium orange
Titanium white
Burnt sienna
Lemon yellow
Burnt umber
Turquoise or cerulean
I use angular, filberts and bright brushes that have a good spring and will hold a good edge. Brushes vary in size up to 1 inch. My brushes are “Master’s Touch, synthetic hog brush series 700A and Royal Langnickel’s Moderna series. I like to use angle brushes the most. They make broad strokes but also very thin lines when turned on edge . Any brushes with a firm spring with just a bit of softness will do. In other words, a brush that is a cross between the softness of sable and the harshness of bristle.
A Silicone tipped tool called a colour shaper is used for slight blending and removing paint for detail. The silicone tool is best for oils as acrylic tends to dry too fast to be effective in removing paint with it. I use the largest angular one, #16 which can be found in better art stores or order online by googling “Colour Shaper”. I also use a 3 inch flat silicon tool in addition to the angular one. I just came across a 2″ wide flat silicone tool that is very inexpensive at Hobby Lobby. They also have a Catalyst wedge that is a good substitute. I am told a plastic spatula may be a good and inexpensive substitute for the 3″ tool. Palette knife may substitute though not as effective for me. See pics below.
I will be using a 20″ X 30” canvas. You may use any size you are comfortable with.
We will be using up to 2 canvas per day.
Palette paper
Soft vine charcoal
Paper towels (lots)
Walnut or other oil as the ONLY medium. Poppy seed oil or other light oil is good when painting light colors. No turpentine or other solvent based medium will be used in class.
For our health, walnut, linseed, poppy, or sunflower oil will be the ONLY medium used in class. Brushes will be not be cleaned in class unless using oil so bring lots of paper towels to wipe your brush as you paint. (Always dispose of your rags outside. Oils can be flammable.)
Painting Tips
Contrast is very effective . When wanting to increase contrast,
make the darks darker and the lights lighter.
Use color to lighten instead of grabbing white. Use color to darken
instead of grabbing black. For example, to lighten green, use a yellow to lighten
instead of white, to darken green, use blue. Go around the color wheel to lighten
(towards yellow) and darken (towards purple)
The best color, most detail and sharpest line will be at the focal point.
Use a brush that has spring. very soft brushes cannot pick up enough paint.
Try to paint on location or from still life as much as possible.
Photographs sharpen all lines – this is not how we see. Paint the whole canvas
quickly with basic shapes and colors that you see. Then concentrate on the focal-
you may find that once you have the focal done, the other areas that looked like they
needed work no longer do. To paint thicker, try using less medium to thin the paint.
This was a fabulous trip!
Provence France
Provence France-Arles/Luberon
Carol Hallock with Provence Art Experience guided by our host, Mathieu Brousses. Classes are very small with a maximum of seven for a more enjoyable and personal experience.
April 26 to May 5, 2022
Click here for information on the Arles/Luberon trip

Come paint in Van Gogh’s footsteps! The above photos are from my 2019 workshop in Arle.